DIY Desktop PC Running Artix Linux

This article is part of a series on Other Projects.

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The New Computer

This desktop PC, which I built from parts in February 2023, is ridiculously awesome. Why?

So, for all these reasons and more, my current desktop PC is a powerhouse.

Desktop - Neofetch

A neofetch of the desktop PC at rest after running VMs for nearly 2.5 days.

The Build



Installed using legacy boot (BIOS) and a fully encrypted root partition.

I use LARBS, created by Luke Smith, as a desktop solution. Check out LARBS on Luke’s site or over on Luke’s GitHub. It uses a combination of dwm and dmenu to create a simple window manager solution.

One of the things I find most impressive about my desktop is not how much software it runs, but actually how little software it runs.

I used virtualization to solve some of those needs. With QEMU, I can spin up a Windows machine for any software I want to use that runs best on Microsoft software. No more Wine containers, or bottles; no more Lutris; and, no more having to stash a Windows computer for “just in case.” In fact, the performance using QEMU is so good, that I even install any superfluous Linux software on a VM first, meaning that the amount of software I install on bare metal is very little.

Fresh Install Bullet Points

Here’s how I would reinstall my current desktop if I needed to:

Thanks to those who got me here!

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